1. Kennery Lighthouse, which marks the Southern Boundary of the Port limits, is a light of the first order dioptric, group-flashing white, and shows groups of two flashes with a visibility upto 25 kms in clear weather. The name of this lighthouse has now been changed as KANHOJI ANGRE LIGHT HOUSE.
2. Prongs Lighthouse marks a reef Southwards from Colaba Point and dangerous ground which extends for a distance of 1.6 km. from it. The light is of the first order dioptric and exhibits at night, every 10 seconds, a white flash light with a visibility upto 27 kms.
3. About 3.2 kms ENE off Prongs Lighthouse is the Sunk Rock Lighthouse. It is unattended and shows red light with white rays flashing every 6 seconds